Friday 19 July 2013


Once again awake at the crack of dawn, maybe it's because the sun is shinning through that wonderful misty maze we see when we live by the sea. Maybe it's just that my mind is full of ideas that I never seem to have the time to develop. I feel tired but my butterfly thoughts combined with best beloved husband's clicking sound which emanates  from somewhere at the back of his throat as he sleeps the sleep of a baby. I regularly toss and turn  like some demented sociopath thinking of ways to shut him up. Of course psychosis can slip above the parapet of normality in the middle of the night, many murders are committed in the dead of night aren't they? Eventually I am driven from the warmth of my bed to pull on the gown and slippers trotting down to the safety of the kitchen to make a cup of Tea and scoff a couple of digestive biscuits.

I suspect that I probably snore too and when I say to him in the bright light of day that he had snored most of the night, his chin sets and with eyes forward he stubbornly  recants 'I don't think so, I don't snore.'
Well that's alright then! I think.
He says he doesn't so then it must be true. I think not.
 'You snore and talk in your sleep all night' he says smugly now determined to hammer the nails into his denial.
If I'm honest I know he is right.
 'Does it keep you awake?' I smile retaining my cool.
'No it doesn't bother me' he smiles back with a certain pride, shaking his head as if that should be the end of the matter.
'But your clicking bothers me dear.  So that is the difference I groan.
Maybe separate bedrooms would make a difference, but that doesn't appeal either.
Even in my futile attempt to stop him from clicking his way through the night I am aware that this is a pointless argument. How does one stop oneself from having habits or funny ways that annoy others?
Maybe women are more susceptible to irritation. It has to be said that I am an irritable person, who can be impatient and intolerant at times. He never picks me up on my own irritating habits, maybe it's because I don't have any. Hmm! highly unlikely, one always likes to think of oneself as easy to live with but of course that isn't true. Moody and often sulky and thinking negatively about things in life, some days with glass half empty and only occasionally half full, probably makes me not so easy to live with. I feel like my mother at times who was highly critical and irritable a lot of the time pulling characters and celebs on the telly to bits.
'What has she done to her hair, it does nothing for her'
'Christ he's aged looks as old as God'
'Look at the size of his chin'
'With a thousand pounds worth of plastic surgery he'd be quite nice looking'
'well that outfit does nothing for her'
'A woman of forty should not have long hair'
'Those are not her own teeth'

Believe me that list is endless and shocking when I can hear myself in my mother's voice talking to the telly. I would often look at her with shocked horror but now I have become her. However the difference is, I am aware of doing it which is more than can be said about my husband's clicking nose.

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