Thursday 30 May 2013


When we are in the claws of emotional distress how do each of us cope? How do we self sooth those inner churnings? Maybe each of us has our own method? Some are able to rationalise away the turmoil by making sense of what has happened. Others can only wait till the torture passes by. For many of us, when we are unhappy or distressed it is a case of going round in circles, reliving the event that is the cause of the unrest. Searching for some sense of rationalisation of the events, but whatever we do when we are unhappy we do, based on what we learned to do.
When you are a child and you hurt yourself or got hurt either emotionally or physically how did your parent sooth you?

If  you fell over and banged you knee or head for example then ran in to seek some solace from a parent and they greated you with love and kindness, then that is the way you will sooth yourself as an adult by being kind to yourself and taking time to do that.
If they over reacted and made a great drama of the incident perhaps that is what you do now when something untoward occurs. Make a drama and be a victim in life.
If you got told off with back handed comments of, you should be more careful or how stupid of you do that,  perhaps that's how you deal with yourself and possibly others today?
Maybe you were ignored and discounted in your time of need so is that  how you handle worries and problems today in your life?

 So many people can go into blaming others for what is going wrong in life, it's always down to someone or something else, why life is this way or that way but if you can admit to that then why is it so. We are after all in charge of our own destiny arn't we?

I know that my reaction to distress is to go round and around in my head seeking solace and answers and that was because as a child there was always something going on in the family, there didn't seemto be the space for what I thought or felt as a child. I learned quite quickly to find the answer within myself, not always very successfully. After a while however in todays world I move into contact with someone I know who loves me and this contact is the most soothing remedy of all. In my opinion finding someone to talk things through with is the cure for most problems. Sometimes just talking without expecting a solution at the end is enough.

How do you deal with emotional distress?

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